Thursday 31 January 2013

I Need Friends

New camera settings have kept me occupied for a few hours.

spooky, see through legs...

Inspirations For January

Hello everyone, its a weird time for me at the moment, I'm changing and life is changing around me too. Friends are different, family life is hard and school work is difficult due to the stress of GCSE's and the pressure from anything and everything that moves. In these times when i really do feel as crap as this i tend to take to my bedroom, stick a smiths record on and bury my head in the laptop: i tend to do so much more on blogs and looking at fashion when I'm upset as i need to take my mind off thing. Having said that- I'm having a reasonably good day, no arguments and tears so *touch-wood* today is going well.

I have really been 'inspired' this month and feel like i have found so much more interesting stuff that i wanted to share with everyone.

Recently i have been really interested in photography- particularly fashion photography. New and old photographers have caught my eye and one i have really taken an interest to is Juergen Teller. He has photographed more iconic people than you can think off, thus succeeding in being one of the best in the business and shooting for many fashion labels such as Vivienne Westwood, Marc Jacobs, Miu Miu and even captured Victoria Beckham coming out of a shopping bag feet first and himself in bed with Charlotte Rampling.

His pictures are so simplistic but also so beautiful and captures that moment perfectly. When you see his photos you know of the thought that has been drawn around into but it also has a, i don't know, 'skninny-dipping' spur of the moment essence that captivates your mind.

If you are unlike me (me= a boring old fart living in the countryside) and you live near London, please go to see his exhibition and tell me what its like, I NEED TO KNOW.

23 January 2013 - 17 March 2013 //
Institute of Contemporary Arts
The Mall, London SW1Y 5AH

As you have probably gathered I'm really into my music. As much as i love iTunes and all that stuff, i have been really getting into records and listening to my songs the proper way.

I have hijacked my mum's record player and all her old records and been basically playing them non-stop for days.

She owns such a wide record collection, she owns from Elvis to the Grease Soundtrack and The Smiths to ELO. I really admire my mum, she is someone that i have always looked for approval in, if she doesn't think i look good in something i honestly wont wear it because i believe she knows me the best out of anyone. Some parents can be controlling but i don't think of my mum like that, she is a best friend.

I love the smoothness of the sound, the way the record glides along the perfectly grooved base. The moment of anticipation before the record starts to see if you have done all the steps to the tee and the click of lever along the elongated arm of the needle.

The way i talk about records makes me think i need a life...

I have being really interested in the fashion apps that Apple have been promoting recently, most of them are pooey ones that are all designers apps and they don't really have much content bar the Stella McCartney one, that one is really cool actually. it includes videos of runways, editorials and campaigns, fun fun! One that did catch my eye is the Net-A-Porter app. Its super cool: a weekly app (around 30 pages long) magazine all about whats going on in the world of fashion and just take my word for it- its brill.

This weeks article included a mahoosive article about Helena Christensen- she is gorgeous. It has many pictures of her in skimpy underwear but omg she looks amazing. There is also a big piece on NEW YORK, by the way just saying but i will live there one day... They also always have a bit called 'The Beauty Edit' where they talk about the new styles- this week bold colours are the way forward, i need to bag myself some fuchsia lipstick!

Honestly get this app, its so interesting!

So yes, that's all from me today...

Love and sparkles, Katie x

Saturday 26 January 2013

Dreams of Happy Days

please take a look at these sites, i got loads of inspiration and their pictures really helped me piece this collection together...

Love and sparkles, Katie x